Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh It's about time to add the new Swedish translation of the Qur'an called 'The Noble Qur'an" (Den Ädla Koranen) with the authors permission since he has been working on for more than two decades. I highly recommend for you to contact them and make this happen before the end of this year since people have difficulties with understanding the current translation regarding its old and outdated vocabulary. No translation is perfect and both Mohammed Knut Bernström and Abu Bilal can agree on that but I assume Mohammed knows that his translation needs a lot of clarification and footnotes. Please I urge you to contact them at P.S! Allah knows my intention for this post, if you are not able to cooperate with us then at least aid with necessary requirements for us to make this happen, by sharing your knowledge, so that we can achieve higher ranks in akhirah all together 🤲 Regards, Ali Asad