Salam Alaykum. First of all I wish to say that the new design is beautiful and has much needed quality-of-life improvements. An average user can easily navigate various tools provided on the webpage
Now, on to the bugs:
  • The first one is switching Surahs.
When switching from one Surah to another, it can buffer for a long time, and sometimes not load the new one at all until a couple of reloads of the page.
  • The second bug is similar to the first one. When playing audio and pausing, and/or switching the narrator and/or playback speed, the page will keep buffering indefinitely in most cases. In rare cases it will switch how it's supposed to.
I'm using a:
Desktop PC
Windows 10
Firefox installed on SSD
Important note:
At home PC everything is the same except for browser which is Chrome, and in a lot of cases Chrome performs better, but the problem still exists in it as well.
May Allah reward you for your efforts in this world and the next. SA