Jumbled up text
Arwa FAhim
I use quran.com every day, i like it very much but these days especially today i am having a problem that in the app the text is jumbled up and i can't read any thing from it 😔
Walid Moustafa
Assalamu Alaikum,
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for reaching out and notifying us about this issue!
To help us investigate further, could you please share the following information with us:
- Device name
- Operating system
- Browser name
Quran.com Feedback Team
Walid Moustafa
Merged in a post:
Translation text is overlapping
Azra Faraz
Walid Moustafa
Merged in a post:
Text overlapping
A. K. M. Ahasan Kabir
Text overlapping
Walid Moustafa
Merged in a post:
Jumbled text
Rashida Rahmat
Please fix this issue of jumbled translation text. Quran.com is my heart and cant bear this error which is being faced by almost a month. I m using android app.
Walid Moustafa
Merged in a post:
Text is overlapping..
Lina Sarkute
Really difficult to read the translation. This doesn't affect arabic Quran text, just everything else what's in English. I use Android phone, read on browser.
Azra Faraz
Text is overlapping
Arwa FAhim
Like this, as you can see 😩